Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back After Easter Break

We're back at school after a much deserved week off. So here is the latest news:

ELA 20: Mid-Term Reports are coming out this Friday. Have all work handed in by Tuesday if you don't want your mark weighted down by a 'zero'. Note: Most work will be accepted without penalty after the due date, but zeros will remain if nothing is received.

HEA 7A: We will start a section on exercise in the Diet and Exercise unit. Keep your notes up to date for the open book test that will end this section!

SCI 6: Moon Phases and Seasons will end our Exploring Space unit, and then we'll have a test before moving on to Energy.

It is way too early to start counting down school days until summer break, but we are in the home stretch - keep your notes up to date, turn in your assignments, and the year will finish on a high note.

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