Monday, March 22, 2010


Today will use some internet resources to calculate how many calories our body needs, and how many we are getting from common foods.

1) Follow the following link to calculate you body's need for fuel (i.e. how many calories you should be eating each day)... Calorie Calculator
Save this information in a Word file called "My Healthy Eating Plan."

2) Next, use the same site to calculate the amount of calories in your average day's food intake. Click on "Calories in Food" on the left-hand menu. You can input the foods you ate yesterday, or just your most common breakfast, lunch and dinner meals. Don't forget to include any snacks! Save this information in "My Healthy Eating Plan."

3) Next, use the same site to calulate how many calories you burn doing exercises. Click on "Calories Burned" at the top menu, and input data related to how many minutes you are active, and then find the calories burned below. Many activities are there, but not all, so come as close as you can, but don't sweat it too much. Save this information in "My Healthy Eating Plan."

4) Your last step will be to calculate how many calories you are taking in on average, minus the number you burn during your activities (count as if these were every second day). So add your daily intake with deductions (burned calories) to your daily intake without deductions and divide by two. Then subtract this number from your body's needs number (from number 1 above). Save this information in "My Healthy Eating Plan."

5) If you are done, see if there are places where your Healthy Eating Plan can be improved (examples might be: more or more frequent exercise, less snacks, more high nutrient and less high-calorie foods, etc.). Save this information in "My Healthy Eating Plan."

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