Thursday, October 28, 2010

Upcoming Reports

Report Card marks are due in the office on November 1st, so all the tests, assignments, and projects due this week are time sensitive. I will report all the marks that I have, but if tests are incomplete or assignments unfinished, they may reflect badly on percentage grades. Please remember that I can accept all overdue work until the end of each unit, but after that, it will not be accepted.

The long and short of this is to complete the assigned work A.S.A.P. Your report cards will reflect all the work that has been hand in by the end of this week.

Congratulations to all the winners from the magazine campaign draw! This year's sales were also big success (as usual). We should all thank Mr. Drader and his team for the bang-up job coordinating the campaign. Thanks also to all sellers and buyers!

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