Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20

There was a small addition to the Copp family on May 13th - young Duncan. Thanks to everyone who has shared their congratulations (although, to be fair, my role was a lot easier than my wife's) and good wishes.

We are into the home stretch of the school year - 20 days left for Senior students and 25 for Juniors. That being the case, any students with assignments not turned in are getting closer to the cut-off date for accepting work. Get your work done now, or risk taking a zero on it.

ELA20: We will be doing our novel study for the next 4 weeks. Quizzes on content and vocabulary will be every Monday (or first school day of the week) until we are through. Keep up on your reading, participate with your groups, and get the questions, vocabulary and journal responses (1 per chapter) done. Keep in mind the themes from the novel will help you choose a research essay topic, so keep track of page numbers as you go, and think of a theme that you would like to write about.

HEA7: We are wrapping up our unit on Diet and Exercise, so we'll have a unit test soon. Many students have not handed in their "Healthy Eating Plan" yet. This is due and time is running short, so get done a.s.a.p.

SCI6: Our Unit Test on Energy will be next week and we'll move onto our last unit - Ecosystems.

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