Monday, January 25, 2010

Science 6A: Snowed In!

I may not make it in to school today as a result of snow, but after the projects are done, check out the interactive games at this website. Remember to read a litle so you learn about these activities - don't just play!

BBC Science


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Accounting 10 Exam

The exam is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 26th at 1:00 p.m. The 2 students in grade 12 will write it the same day except at 9:00 a.m.

1. Complete the review and bring it with you.
2. Get cheatsheets done and ready to use (the 4 tips on finding errors might be especially useful)
3. ALL work must be submitted for marking by Thursday, Jan. 28th at 3:30. After this cut-off, it will be marked as a 0.
4. You will have lots of time to complete the question as long as you know what you are doing - thtis means if you're putting off the review to finish older assignments, you will probably not have time to learn this as you go. DO THE REVIEW FIRST, then catch up on other work.

That is all. This will be easy after you've completed the review and if you can find mistakes as the are made.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Accounting 10

We're getting close to Exam time, but there's a Unit Test first. Complete your spreadsheet from 8.5 and then move on to review chapter 8. The test will be Monday.

After this test, we will do review for the exam the rest of the week. You mat be looking for time to finish undone assignments, but the review is most important - the Exam counts as an entire Unit on its own! That said, any work not handed in by Thursday January 28th will get marked as a zero, so get at it!

Health Unit Test

We're ready for a test on our second Unit, so here's the review you'll need to check in your notes. If your have this information, you'll do fine.

1. Be able to draw and label the Total Health triangle. You should be able to define and explain the three sides and respond to a made-up situation related to it.

Definitions: Health, wellness, habit.

2. Be able to define and give examples of the Influences on Your Health – there are eight. You will be able to respond to a made-up situation related to them.

Definitions: Heredity, environment, culture, peers, media, technology, behavior, attitude.

3. There are 10 Health Skills. You will know what they all mean and you’ll be able to respond to questions about how they can affect your actions.

Definitions: Prevention, health skills, communication, advocate

4. Decision-Making: you will be able to draw and label a diagram of the decision-making process and also be able to explain the terms in the diagram.

Definitions: Decisions, consequences, risk, values

5. Setting Health Goals: You will be able to complete a Goal Chain related to your own health and explain your steps in achieving a goal.

Definitions: Goal, long-term goal, short-term goal

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back at it in 2010

We're back to school, and there's only 3 weeks until senior exams.

Accounting 10: Finish all outstanding assignments a.s.a.p. We will do Chapter 8, a Unit test, and then start exam preparations. You should be caught up by then or the workload will become overwhelming!

Health 7: There are many students with unfinished assignments (mostly our Responsibility Qs worksheet). Since our Unit 2 test will be in a week or so, get this done and handed in!

Science 6: We're working on our Wiki projects, and once we've done them we'll have a Unit Test on 'Eartghquakes and Volcanoes' before starting the next unit - 'Exploring Space'!