Monday, November 2, 2009

Mid-Term Reports - All Classes

All marks are now recorded for out mid-terms. If any work has not yet been received, a zero will be given to that item. I will still accept and mark late work without penalty, but I think we are all aware that when January arrives there will be no second chances for missed assignments. Please try to keep up with what work is given and we will not run the risk of zeros damaging your mark.

ACC10: Mid-Term marks include all assignments and tests for the first 3 units, but there is too much weight currently assigned to Unit 4 assignment ('Homework Check'). Since it is the only item for the Unit as marks are sent in, it alone accounts for 25% of the report card grade. This anomaly will work itself out as more items are turned in and the unit is completed.

SCI6A: All work from our first unit ('Matter and Reactions') is recorded and part of your mid-term mark. Keep diagrams and the test for Parent-Teacher interviews. We have started a new unit on 'Earthquakes and Volcanoes'.

HEA7A and 7B: All work from the first unit ('Entering the Teen Years') is included in the mid-term mark. The Unit Test is not. The inclusion of this test mark will happen as soon as all students have written it. Since Health runs year-long, this mid-term report covers only about 25% of our material for the year. Our new Unit is 'Your Health and Wellness'.

For all classes, monthly Markbooks will continue to be sent home with students. Parents, please let me know if you would like these emailed to you instead of being sent by hand.

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