Friday, October 19, 2012

SCS30 Oct. 19

Watch the video, answer Qs as you go along.

TVO Video link - part 1

Part 1 Qs:

1. Make a page-long, two-column chart in your notes.  On one side, write the positive things about corporations and their actions, on the other side, negatives.  This will be ongoing for the whole movie.

2. What metaphors are used to describe the workings of a corporation, whether good or bad?

3. Describe the early history and purposes of the corporation up to and including the 14th amendment.

4. What is the current purpose (and duty) of a corporation?

5.  Explain and describe the problems with externalities.

6.  The 'Case Histories' will provide lots of data for the syllogism to conclude this video - get notes on these.

7. How does the psychopathy checklist make corporations appear?  Is this accurate?

Friday, October 12, 2012

HIS10 - Oct.10

These are the timeline dates and the map you will need to finish that assignment.

·14 June, 1800: Marengo, Italy
Napoleon defeated the Austrians
·21 Oct, 1805: Trafalgar
England's navy defeated the French
·2  Dec, 1805: Austerlitz, Prussia
Napoleon broke the Austria-Russian alliance
·14 Oct, 1806: Jena, Prussia
The French forced a Prussian capitulation
·16 Jan, 1809: Corruna, Spain
The French fed the Spanish/English alliance a defeat
·17 Sep, 1812: Borodino, Russia
Napoleon won it and gained access to Moscow, but lost in Russia as a result of the cold winter
·16 Oct, 1813: Leipzig, Prussia
The re-formed alliance defeated Napoleon and forced his first abdication and exile to Elba
·18 June, 1815:  Waterloo
The final defeat of Napoleon after which he was exiled to St. Helena