Wednesday, May 30, 2012

HIS10 Quiz

These are links to the 2 videos you will need to know for the quiz.

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Friday, May 18, 2012

HIS 10

Lots of students have missed classes for various reasons over the last couple of weeks.  Just so we're all on the same page, you should have handed in or be working on:

- your 1 page essay on slavery.  The video link is in my last post (episode 11, chapter 3).

- your map of British, French, German and American empires circa 1914.  Additional info for the charts can be found in the text, or if it is easier, online (even through wikipedia).

Friday, May 11, 2012

HIS10 Videos

These are links to the 2 videos we will be watching in the new unit on "Imperialism." The first has 8 questions given in class, the second is for handing in and should be an Analysis item - facts and opinions must be there.

  History of Britain episode 11 chapter 2

  History of Britain episode 11 chapter 3