Friday, March 25, 2011

Next Week (Mar.28-Apr.1)

Health 7:
You will have your Unit Test after a review. Your Daily Tracking Worksheets should be done. You should also be done the second part of the assignment (10 questions from last class) by test day.

** If you missed class Wed. or Thurs., get the notes and get working - it is your responsibilty to catch up for missed days.

Science 6: Our Unit Test will be Monday - study the questions from the review. There are no trick or surprise questions. If you can answer the Qs in the review you are ready.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Health 7

In the lab today, we want to keep working with the diet and exercise information we discussed in class. You will need you record of three days of meals (everything you ate over 3 days) as well as the physical activities you have done.
You will also need your daily calorie requirements (how many calories you should be eating) to do some calculation.

Follow this link to input what you ate and to calculate how many calories it is. Be independent-minded while doing this - there is no absolute correct value for most things, but do you best to figure out roughly the numbers.

Next you can subtract your physical activities. Find the number of calories burned at this link.

You won't find every activity there, so be creative and find another source of data if this one doesn't work for you.

This will take some time - but for each day recorded, figure out how many calories you ate, how many you burned, and determine if this was more or less than what you should have each day.

I will check all the completed work next health class (Thursday for 7B, Monday for 7A).

Good luck!