Tuesday, February 9, 2010


All Descriptive Paragraphs should be in, and we're nearly done questions on "First day in School." Remember to use MLA style citations for one quote per answer. For more information on MLA style follow this link:

MLA citations

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Feb. 3rd ELA

We are done in-class work on the descriptive paragraph. These will be ready for Peer Conferences first thing tomorrow, and Final Drafts should be done by the end of the day Thursday. They can be hand-written.

Feb. 3 - New Semester for High School

We're just starting ELA20 for the second semester. We'll do some work around the Writing Process, and do a little introductory assignment, but nothing too heavy to start. Since our themes deal with recollections of childhood, we'll also plan a day to visit Gillen to jump start some memories from our youth.

We will start USSR (Un-Structured Silent Reading) in class today for the first 10-15 minutes. Bring a book or magazine with you.

SCI6a - We will finish our MovieMaker projects today and grade them in class. If we want to post them to YouTube, we can do that as well.

HEA7 - We're continuing with our 3rd Unit. Be sure your notes are up to date and with you. If you have no materials for class, I'll be sending you back to your lockers to get them - no exceptions.

Just 7 more school days until the break!